Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Foreign Direct Investment and Its Impact on Economy and Ecological Essay

Foreign unionize Investment and Its Impact on Economy and Ecological Issues - Essay ExampleIn addition to this, the appraise of this impact on economic state of affairs in developing countries also considers the negative and unconditional impacts of impertinent influence enthronement. Apart from this, the report also discusses how unknown involve investing influences ecological and environmental issues and takes into consideration the particular kind(s) of international precede investment which gives rise to such ecological and environmental issues. in the first place going into details of these issues, it is pertinent to understand what foreign charge investment means (Fedderke and Romm Chakraborty and Nunnenkamp). Foreign guide on Investment Foreign direct investment refers to the investment or investments made by a embodied entity or investment organisation, which operates in one country, in another incorporate entity or investment institution which operates or is based in another country. In other words, foreign direct investment is an investment which comes in a country from another country directly. It is pertinent to distinguish between foreign direct investment and those investments which are indirect, as for instance, investments made by corporate entities from foreign countries in the equity of corporate entity or entities operating in the country. ... oreign direct investment has been regarded by a number of researchers in the retiring(a) as having a positive impact on the economic development of countries, where such investment takes place. An instant(prenominal) evidence in this regard posterior be put forward as an example of Chinese economy China has been reported by the United Nations as the largest receiver of foreign direct investment in the first 6 months period of previous year 2012. The total amount of foreign direct investment received by China in initial six months of year 2012 was $ 59.1 billion, which surpassed forei gn direct investment received by United States in the same period by $ 1.7 billion. This information can be directly related with the unmatched economic development which has taken place in the one-time(prenominal) few decades in China (Reuters). Since by and by the end of World War 2, foreign direct investment has played an important role in generating significant amounts of financial support for the developing countries. However, the flow of foreign direct investment halted after 1970 as there was an increase in the flow of investment from foreign countries in developing countries and the financial institutions particularly commercial lending institutions found their role as diminishing. However, after certain regulatory measures were taken by the bodies and respective authorities in the developing world, foreign direct investment was again allowed to gain momentum in the mid of 90s (Vo). Upon reviewing the theoretical propositions related to the impact of foreign direct investm ent on economic growth, it is found that there are differing views in this respect. According to the neo-liberal train of thought, foreign direct investment has a positive and direct relation with the economic development of a region. In light of this

Earthquake Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Earthquake - Essay Exampleprefectures, as hale as 127,290 buildings totally collapsed, with a further 272,788 building half collapsed, and another 747,989 buildings partially damaged. The macrocosm is ceaselessly undergoing turbulence and tremors of minor nature argon frequent event. However, majority of quakes are unpredictable and cause vast damage. Earthquake is a natural disaster which has threatening consequences and government and public need to be to a greater extent cautious towards it. (Thesis)Earthquakes have put governments and international organization alert on ways to counter it. at that place are not many precautions one can take to face it. Earthquakes happening at dark hours can take many peoples life. It not only damage life further also destroys the whole infrastructure and economy of a country depending upon the intensity. Tsunami is also another aftermath of earthquake and people hence are more scared of earthquake than any disaster. Around the world, Ja pan, China, Indonesia and India are more prone to earthquakes than any other part. According to the article (Annissimov) , natural disaster is an event with as opposed to human, cause tharesults in large-scale loss of life or damage to property. It could be related to weather, geology, biological science or even factors outside the Earth. Examples are earthquakes, hurricanes, droughts and flooding. Disease epidemics are sometimes considered natural disasters, but may be put into a different category. In some cases, natural and human factors may blend to produce a disaster.Actually, earthquake occurs due to the movement and pressure on earths Platonic belts and scientific world has no much ways to predict them. Earth is a planet which is in motion internally and externally. In the internal crust of earth, there is plate tectonics- the plates at the surface of the earth due to the flow of rock within the earth. The entire surface of the earth is covered with plates. As they are i n constant motion they rub against or separate from each

Monday, April 29, 2019

Database security issues Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Database shelter emergences - Research Paper ExampleThe paper analyzes security issues concerning both web based and traditional databases.Database illation is a security issue that multi level databases are prone to. Inference stub be defined as the process in which a user can infer restricted information from results of queries. Typically, inference occurs when a user at a turn down security level is able to put together trivial information admission chargeible at that level to deduce a fact that requires a higher security clearance to access. To be able to access the higher security level information, a user may exploit correlated data. If for instance a user can access the values of H and K, then for a case whereby Z=H*K, the user can correctly infer the value Z even without security clearance. Another inference channel is missing data. When a user receives null values when querying certain fields, the restricted information can be inferred. A practical shell is when a u ser cannot slot in a conflict and yet the space is not yet reserved. Through cross-referencing, it can be known that some accede is already stored in the given field. Another aspect of the inference problem is caused by value constraints. For example if attribute Y is not classified and X is secret with the constraint X+Y100, the value of X can be inferred finished a query. A technique to remedy the inference problem is through polyinstantiation. This is a relationship whereby elements of a given attribute are associated but have multiple autonomous instances of instantiation. This may end up creating a new problem of double records in the long run. harmonize to Natan (2003), the entries may result in major problems if the database is for mission critical systems like airliners.The other security issue is SQL Injection. This refers to a scenario whereby unauthorized MySQL statement is run on a database. This technique takes advantage of un-validated user foreplay vulnerability t o pass commands from a web

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Ellingtonia Music essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ellingtonia Music - Essay ExampleBut it was during the 40s (after he morose 40) that songs longer than three minutes became his signature style.At one time in 1927 at the Harlems Cotton Club, the famous Oliver King decided not play when he was given an invitation to do so. as luck would have it for Ellington, they offered him to perform on the night clubs stage. From this point on Ellington became a favorite performer at that club and made musical compositions with names like Adelaide Hall. Creole Love Call was Halls and Ellingtons hit single together, and became a worldwide sensation.The other great thing that happened to Duke Ellington was when he became a regular performer at the Cotton Club, he experimented with all the musical styles he knew and probably created many. The club became his laboratory where he would experiment with his musical compositions and would get immediate feedback from the audience. With the courtesy of the Cotton Club, Duke became a well-known(a) name for revues style of music. And weekly radio broadcasts from the Cotton Club gave Duke national fame. Although his Webster Blanton Band had many powerful members but each song had Ellingtons stamp on it (Robbins, n.d.).Duke Ellington is not a musician that I normally listen too. But when I am in the mood for blues, classical and jazz, I really love Ellingtons compositions. But what I really manifestation up to Ellington is because of his strong will and closing to achieve his goals in style. Whatever I have read about this man, it makes me want to say that I want to live like him. When he passed away, he died a clam and peaceful man, who can look over his life achievements and smile. The look of content on his face makes me envious. When he wrote his first composition at the age of fourteen, he was working as a soda jerk at a caf and named it something similar, The soda Fountain Rag. This gives me inspiration about me studies, my career and

Saturday, April 27, 2019

How can Maslow's idea of self-actualization and eupsychian management Research Paper

How good deal Maslows idea of self-actualization and eupsychian management be reconciled with prevailing mental models of managemen - Research Paper Example by and by many other theorists have worked to develop the mental models of management. However, most of them are related to the model presented by Maslow. In this paper, we will first discuss the Maslows idea of self-actualization and eupsychian management and how it is connected with the mental models of management. subsequently in the light of human variance and capabilities, the need of self-actualization and eupsychian management is discussed by the help of other theorists. A comparison is made between the Maslows hierarchy and Alderfers ERG theory. The paper also discusses the implications that are require for the practical managers, how at different stages of their master key life they can use the Maslows theory. It also duologue about how I can use self-actualization and other concept of Maslows hierarchy in my profes sional life. In the end, it discusses the scenarios like religious activities, creativity, and people who work for the society, for instance a doctor who, keeping in mind their profession and duties does not flow the hierarchy and strive to achieve self actualization bearing before they achieve their basic involve. On the other hand, it also discusses the scenarios like bank jobs and other distinguishable organizational structures in which the idea of self- actualization are implemented. How can Maslows idea of self-actualization and eupsychian management be reconciled (to cause) with frequent mental models of management? Self-actualization refers to making something real or actual in our subjective talents, aptitude, and the possibility to release out highest potentials. This whole process is done when a individual satisfies their lower unprompted needs such as food, water, sleep etc. and jumps to the highest needs by learning, changing, growing, and transforming. Like this, a person becomes fully functioning and the best person comes out of them. According to Bernardo and Carducci (2009) Eupsychian management emphasizes that the managers must concern themselves by becoming more aware of the needs of the employees and create the working environment that facilitate the satisfaction of the needs of the employees in order to attain self-actualization. In the theory, it is argued that, as people move from the basic needs towards self-actualization needs, the citation of motivation changes for them on every(prenominal) stage. According to Douglas and Khalil (1967), as the managers progress, their lower level needs that of physiology and safety reduce, fleck the upper level needs that of affiliation, self-esteem, and self-actualization amplify. The motivators that are significant when ones career starts, become unnoticeable later. For example, money that is the driving force in the early stages of ones careers becomes less important. This natural harvest -home towards job satisfaction and job empowerment becomes significant with time. Through Eupsychian management, great trust in the employees is reflected, which assumes that every worker prefers to become a prime mover than a passive helper. To become more plenteous and reach to the point of self-actualization, few things need to be considered in the work environment trust in human nature within the human nature in that respect should be strong belief for the self-actualization there should be strong belief in the cooperation, capacity and productivity of the workers within the work enviro

Friday, April 26, 2019

Informative Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

edifying - Speech or Presentation ExampleAnorexia and bulimia are psychological disorders which affect a monumental percentage of people in the world today and it is intimately rampant in the United States. It is incumbent for these disorders to be studied not only as psychological problems, but also as kindly problems and a chronology of experiences related to these problems should be made so that studies can be conducted to facilitate their cure. It is a detail that these conditions are extremely difficult to treat because it is often difficult to make an assessment of how the people affect by anorexia and bulimia behave as well as how to find ways of curing opposite individuals from these conditions (Lacey 1694). Among the greatest causes of anorexia and bulimia are the societal expectations that are pressed on those individuals affected by these conditions. many of the patients with these conditions tend to have been brought up in an environment where the need to succeed and to excel in each aspect of their lives has led them to develop such a low opinion of themselves that they have developed an infantile fixation with their bodies. One will find that the drive for these patients to succeed is so great and the societal expectations placed on them so great that the pressure becomes too much on them and these tend to affect them negatively as they try to fulfill these expectations. The mentors of these patients are often perfectionists and because the patients would like to emulate every aspect of their lives, the pressure to do so becomes very demanding because in order to impress their mentors, they often tog such unreasonable goals for themselves that to touch these goals becomes overwhelming for them. It is also a fact that anorexia and bulimia patients are often raised in environments where they are not given the required attention while growing up and this comes to affect them in ulterior life (Strober et al, 394). This comes about because their parents are probably always too busy attempting to make a life history for their families and have not enough time to get to know their families better, creating a situation where their children grow up in isolation. Such environments end up making the children involved to develop low self-esteem which is hotshot of the reasons for the development of anorexia and bulimia, and their increasing prevalence. Statistics show that while anorexia and bulimia are disorders that are more prevalent in upper classes of the society, there are also increasing cases of these disorders in the other strata of society and this trend is most worrying (Chakraborty and Basu 175). It has been stated that main reason for the prevalence of these conditions among the upper class is because of the higher expectations that are set for the members of such families and their feeling of inadequacy because of the fact that they are not able to fulfill these expectations. In the trim down classes, on th e other hand, it has been found that one of the most prevalent causes of anorexia and bulimia is the fact that the patients tend to be influenced by the media, especially that of perfection that is propagated by Hollywood as well as other forms of sight media. The increasing prevalence of anorexia and bulimia in society has made it necessary for all individuals within it to be made aware of the symptoms so that they can get a hint of the development of