Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Earthquake Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Earthquake - Essay Exampleprefectures, as hale as 127,290 buildings totally collapsed, with a further 272,788 building half collapsed, and another 747,989 buildings partially damaged. The macrocosm is ceaselessly undergoing turbulence and tremors of minor nature argon frequent event. However, majority of quakes are unpredictable and cause vast damage. Earthquake is a natural disaster which has threatening consequences and government and public need to be to a greater extent cautious towards it. (Thesis)Earthquakes have put governments and international organization alert on ways to counter it. at that place are not many precautions one can take to face it. Earthquakes happening at dark hours can take many peoples life. It not only damage life further also destroys the whole infrastructure and economy of a country depending upon the intensity. Tsunami is also another aftermath of earthquake and people hence are more scared of earthquake than any disaster. Around the world, Ja pan, China, Indonesia and India are more prone to earthquakes than any other part. According to the article (Annissimov) , natural disaster is an event with as opposed to human, cause tharesults in large-scale loss of life or damage to property. It could be related to weather, geology, biological science or even factors outside the Earth. Examples are earthquakes, hurricanes, droughts and flooding. Disease epidemics are sometimes considered natural disasters, but may be put into a different category. In some cases, natural and human factors may blend to produce a disaster.Actually, earthquake occurs due to the movement and pressure on earths Platonic belts and scientific world has no much ways to predict them. Earth is a planet which is in motion internally and externally. In the internal crust of earth, there is plate tectonics- the plates at the surface of the earth due to the flow of rock within the earth. The entire surface of the earth is covered with plates. As they are i n constant motion they rub against or separate from each

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