Saturday, April 27, 2019

How can Maslow's idea of self-actualization and eupsychian management Research Paper

How good deal Maslows idea of self-actualization and eupsychian management be reconciled with prevailing mental models of managemen - Research Paper Example by and by many other theorists have worked to develop the mental models of management. However, most of them are related to the model presented by Maslow. In this paper, we will first discuss the Maslows idea of self-actualization and eupsychian management and how it is connected with the mental models of management. subsequently in the light of human variance and capabilities, the need of self-actualization and eupsychian management is discussed by the help of other theorists. A comparison is made between the Maslows hierarchy and Alderfers ERG theory. The paper also discusses the implications that are require for the practical managers, how at different stages of their master key life they can use the Maslows theory. It also duologue about how I can use self-actualization and other concept of Maslows hierarchy in my profes sional life. In the end, it discusses the scenarios like religious activities, creativity, and people who work for the society, for instance a doctor who, keeping in mind their profession and duties does not flow the hierarchy and strive to achieve self actualization bearing before they achieve their basic involve. On the other hand, it also discusses the scenarios like bank jobs and other distinguishable organizational structures in which the idea of self- actualization are implemented. How can Maslows idea of self-actualization and eupsychian management be reconciled (to cause) with frequent mental models of management? Self-actualization refers to making something real or actual in our subjective talents, aptitude, and the possibility to release out highest potentials. This whole process is done when a individual satisfies their lower unprompted needs such as food, water, sleep etc. and jumps to the highest needs by learning, changing, growing, and transforming. Like this, a person becomes fully functioning and the best person comes out of them. According to Bernardo and Carducci (2009) Eupsychian management emphasizes that the managers must concern themselves by becoming more aware of the needs of the employees and create the working environment that facilitate the satisfaction of the needs of the employees in order to attain self-actualization. In the theory, it is argued that, as people move from the basic needs towards self-actualization needs, the citation of motivation changes for them on every(prenominal) stage. According to Douglas and Khalil (1967), as the managers progress, their lower level needs that of physiology and safety reduce, fleck the upper level needs that of affiliation, self-esteem, and self-actualization amplify. The motivators that are significant when ones career starts, become unnoticeable later. For example, money that is the driving force in the early stages of ones careers becomes less important. This natural harvest -home towards job satisfaction and job empowerment becomes significant with time. Through Eupsychian management, great trust in the employees is reflected, which assumes that every worker prefers to become a prime mover than a passive helper. To become more plenteous and reach to the point of self-actualization, few things need to be considered in the work environment trust in human nature within the human nature in that respect should be strong belief for the self-actualization there should be strong belief in the cooperation, capacity and productivity of the workers within the work enviro

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