Thursday, May 2, 2019

Biblical 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Biblical 2 - Essay char functionerThey became what we know now as the Twelve Apostles. This started with the calling of Peter and Andrew (Matthew 418-20). He told these two work force and the ten after them that Hes going to teach them to become more than fishermen that catches fish in the sea. He taught these men how to become fishers of men inviting them to leave their families and the life that they know in order to facilitate delivery boy bring to the state the Kingdom of God. These Twelve Apostles were in parallelism with the Twelve Tribes of Israel of the Old Testament. His act of establishing the core of His Ministry showed He recognized His need of help. With them, Jesus started his Galilean Ministry, establishing the groundwork of working His way through and through preaching and healing multitude (Redford). With them, he made sure that His teachings will carry on still when He has gone from the earth. While gathering His Apostles, He was also gathering a public minist ry which consisted of people who readily accepted His miracles and the doubtful who wanted to see more so they can believe in His works are the works of God and not of the Devil.Jesus loved to teach victimization parables, using the lessons and hidden messages to interpret and characterize the Kingdom of God and how the people should act to receive the blessing of existence accepted in the Kingdom of God. One of His most famous teachings happened during the Sermon on the Mount or what is called The Beatitudes (Matthew 51-20, 38-48). The Beatitudes represented the standard of conduct of the people who would become the citizens of the Kingdom of God (Redford). It described how people should act in order to gain entry into the Kingdom and to maintain a life there. Jesus lessons described mainly how people should repent and act in order to cleanse themselves and be laudable of the Kingdom of God. His teachings, particularly the Beatitudes showed people that those who are

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