Wednesday, May 8, 2019

History of Architecture Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

History of Architecture - Research Paper Examplehe posts argon often make with the wood while the roof or the building was covered with rock tiles that made the roof heavy and protect the building from the heavy winds and cyclones. In this way, the architectural techniques were adopted not yet to make the building attractive but in any case durable. The most significant buildings that signified the Nipponese architecture included shrines and temples. Unlike some Chinese and Western architecture, the Japanese architecture tries to avoid the use of stone unless deemed necessary for specific purposes as storied in the temple of pagoda and podia foundations. The structural layout includes lintels and posts. The style of building the shrines also contributed to the construction style for domestic and urban architecture characterized by the nature of the building materials and the design of the tower. Buddhism is because cited as a major contributor in enhancement of Japanese archit ecture as noted by building of temples (Young & Young 1-28). In the Japanese structures Sliding doors were utilized to maintain no vault and to keep the inner space wide open. Little or even no furniture was placed inside the rooms to make the inner space open.Considering Japanese history of architecture, the Japanese architecture went through and through numerous periods of innovation. The beginning of the 7th century was mostly dominated by wooden structures noted by temples and shrines built by the noblemen. This period in history is referred to as Nara and Asuka periods of architecture. They were also periods that marked heightened growth of Japanese art and culture. In the 9th century, which was referred to as the Heian period was basically a continuation of the architectural developments in the foregoing periods. It also marked a period of the beginning of the Chinese influence as one of the unnerving architectural forces as Japanese architects of the time travelled and stu died Chinese design. Thereafter, wood temples started to spring up in large

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