Saturday, May 4, 2019

Watergate Scandal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Watergate Scandal - move ExampleEdward M. Kennedy and a young womans death. Remarkable of this incident is that it engulfed the U.S President Richard M. Nixon and many of his chase in an array range of illegal acts and hence triggered the resignation of the president who ended as ane of the sorriest spectacles in U.S national experience,1 as a journalist from the New York Times rank it.According to many investigations, the burglary has been carried out by five men who were later captured in the Democratic national Committee Watergate hotel. This beneficial incident garnered little media attention, yet it should be pointed out that two dedicated reporters, trail Woodward and Carl Bernstein, both of whom were working for the Washington built in bed played, particularly, critical roles and managed somehow to uncover the presidents sponsored excogitation of espionage to discredit Democratic candidates.In addition to the reporters, another man called Sussman was directly involved in the Posts effort to reveal and unveil the truth in the face of the general apathy by the press and the public and the White House pressures. Sussman cleverly remarked that the mass media, namely the press, was just not much concerned with the Watergate issue at the very beginning however, the Post did its best and utmost to unearth the scandal. Sussman added that tied(p) the Congress repeatedly attempted to avoid if not ignore the Watergate Issue. He wrote that an overwhelming number of congressmen had consistently turned their backs on Watergate until it surrounded them. They were still reluctant to deal with it, hoping Nixon would solve what was becoming their dilemma.2No doubt the Watergate scandal aroused considerable interest in how scandals are covered and oftentimes unveil by the mass media. Of course, none can deny that the whys and the wherefores of Watergate have been widely investigated as many scholars conducted serious investigations and surveys about it. We can mention, in this

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