Monday, May 13, 2019

Design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

bearing - Essay ExampleThat is how she pee-peed her first beads.Her first inspirations were a polymer beads necklace of her boss and traditional textiles, such as old ethnic fabrics and rugs. In a way, following the ideas of old masters, Sarahs beads are fabulously bright, though harmonious and fresh. Such an effect is achieved mainly through a very rich personate of patterns.The first plant life by the author were, as she admits, generally graphic repeat patterns with simple simulation contrasts (Shiver 2009). With time, however, she started using special color blending techniques to make the beads more colorful. Nature, own imagination, or works by other authors are the sources of Sarahs creativity. The devotes much attention to color combinations to use them in the intermix sheets of clay.The material itself - polymer clay - is a pretty simple mean to work with. It is a pliable and ductile polymer compound - fine particles of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) suspended in plasticiz er (DeVoto 1997). Among the advantages of working(a) with this material is a great egress of colors and shades provided by the manufacturers. Furthermore, these colors can be blended just like those of painters, to create new, personally designed shades and patterns.There has been developed a great number of special techniques for working with polymer clay, among which some have been inherited from glasswork, textile arts, and sculpture. Such practices as caneworking, marbling, millefiori and others give artists plenty of opportunities to create ageless variations of color combinations and nevertheless textures. In addition, this kind of clay, unlike traditional one, does not dry out on air, so an artist has no time limits for completing the work.When the colors are blended and the items shaped, he or she has to just fire it. Firing polymer clay requires low temperatures, so it can be done even in an ordinary home oven. This allows anyone willing to work with the material to try ones abilities

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