Friday, May 10, 2019

Hazardous waste management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Hazardous waste management - shew ExampleThis is in consideration that the firm bequeath accumulate as much waste products as possible to be transported at reasonable intervals (Woodard 2001). We should also consider the cost of establishing new commits, expanding the existing billet will be cheaper than starting new. This is because the firm will enjoy the economies of scale.Secondly, since the products are termed as hazardous and it will be unwise for each site to have its dumping site since this will lead to its diffusion all over. I would propose that all waste products to be put together and then accustomed into main landfill thus reducing the risk of people to get into contact (Woodard 2001). Bearing in caput that each site will have to pay taxes for waste products and more so the cost and vituperate to environment the best thing is to consolidate all waste products from that siteManagement is another means to consider. Since we are running the same firm, for it to run in harmony we need to have one director who will be held accountable for all waste product. Having all the waste consolidated from one site is more manageable than different

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